Available Courses/Registration

The DOJ Financial Management training serves as a general reference to assist OJP, OVW, and COPS Office award recipients in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to safeguard grant funds and ensure funds are used for the purposes for which they were awarded. There may be instances where the award requirements differ among the three grant-making components. Therefore, recipients (and subrecipients) should refer to their award conditions to determine the specific requirements that apply to their award.

On August 13, 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued revisions to sections of the government-wide framework for grants management, (Federal Register, 8/13/2020 and correcting amendments, 2/22/2021), the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, also known as the Uniform Requirements. This OMB requirement, first promulgated in 2013, and sections revised in 2020, has been implemented by DOJ via DOJ regulation at 2 C.F.R. 2800.

Background information and numerous resources related to this updated DOJ regulation, referred to as “the Part 200 Uniform Requirements,” are available on the OJP website at https://ojp.gov/funding/Part200UniformRequirements.htm#.

As a self-study online training, the training course allows you to proceed through the modules at your own pace. Throughout the modules we provide additional resources that can be printed. In addition, we offer a Case Study that is referenced in many of the module review questions. We suggest you print out the Case Study, become familiar with it, and keep it nearby for each set of review questions. If you don't have Acrobat Reader to view this file, please download it  here. The course that is available is:

Office of Justice Programs (OJP) award recipients and members of their organization who meet the criteria for acceptance are invited to attend an Advanced Financial Management Training Seminar. In order to be eligible for an advanced training, award recipients need to have attended a live Financial Management training seminar at some point in time, or completed the online training as of the date of registration.

Office of Justice Programs (OJP) award recipients and members of their organization who meet the criteria for acceptance are invited to attend an Financial Management Training Seminar. In order to be eligible for a training, award recipients need to have attended a live Financial Management training seminar at some point in time, or completed the online training as of the date of registration.

This particular DOJ resource supplements the information included in OJP’s Introduction to the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. DOJ expects every DOJ award recipient who uses this DOJ training resource to already be fully familiar with the information on  OJP's Part 200 Uniform Requirements Resource Page, including the Introduction to the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, the DOJ Grants Financial Guide (if applicable), as well as the award conditions of the relevant award. The material covered in Training I applies to DOJ awards made on or after August 13, 2020. 
In its 24 modules, this training emphasizes the basics of Federal grants management. DOJ is offering this online training for current grantee the ability to complete Federal grants management training from your desktop in place of traveling to the on-site trainings. The only prerequisite for taking this online training is that you must be a direct award recipient with a current grant and/or cooperative agreement as awarded by one of the DOJ bureaus or offices.

If you are currently involved with the financial management of a DOJ award from one of the Bureaus or Offices, please select the General Information tab to learn more about the course and decide if this is the right training option for you.